A long time ago I wrote a script to find out the numbers behind the number PI but that was written in VBS. And today I wanted to recreate that script but than in Bash. I succeeded completely and here is the code:
Usage (Linux):
Step 1: Put the code inside a file and save it as a .sh file.
Step 2: In command line give the file a chmod of +x (eg. chmod +x fileName.sh)
Step 3: Than run the file (eg. ./fileName.sh)
And here you go.
Have fun!!
Hey everyone,
Today I registered on LinkedIn and that’s why I added it to my contact page. So if you want to be a friend than just ask it :).
My LinkedIn link is: http://linkedin.com/in/juje007
After some playing with PHP, I wanted to create a new class but I didn’t really know what. So after some time I founded a nice task to do :). So here is my “Table Class”. It’s a easy way to create a HTML table from a PHP array.
The code:
This is a very simple Table Class because you can’t define attributes like title, class, id, etc. But you are free to use and to change off course :).
After reading a post about canvas at http://carsonified.com/blog/dev/html-5-dev/how-to-draw-with-html-5-canvas/ I wanted to create something with it. So I came up the idea to create a RGB color selector without the selecting part, because that will be to much work :(. But here is the result:
If you want to see the live version you can go to: http://www.juje007.be/canvas.html (you may download and use the source :))
Today WordPress 3.0 released so I installed it immediately and it looks quite good at the Admin Control Panel offcourse at the outside you will probably see no difference at all. But if you want to learn all about WordPress 3.0 go than to: http://wordpress.org/development/2010/06/thelonious/.